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Want A House With Minimal Square Footage? 3 Places To Look For Clever Storage

Going shopping for a house of enormous square footage is an easy way to give yourself all the room that you could want or need to store the possessions that you have and what you acquire in the future. But these homes cost more money to maintain because there is more wiring, piping, and flooring. Cooling down or heating up a large home will typically cost more when you compare it to smaller homes. If you want to buy a home with minimal square footage, but your main concern is not having enough room for storing your possessions, you should look at homes for sale that make use of clever storage solutions.

Garage Storage Solutions

One of the first things that you should look at is how the garage is situated. In some garages, you have to decide whether you are going to park your vehicles inside or store lots of your items. But in those that have storage solutions where the walls are utilized to minimize consumption of valuable floor space, you can make incredible use of your garage by being able to store boxes, tools, cars, and more.

Floor-to-Ceiling Cabinets

The main place where you are going to find cabinets is in the kitchen. If you notice that the room does not have cabinets extended to the ceiling, you are missing out on storage potential. Some people like using the space above the cabinets for decorative purposes, but this is far less functional than having extra cabinets. Although you can add your own cabinets to gain additional storage space, this costs money and you will find that it is much easier to buy a home that has already implemented such storage systems.

Built-In Closet Systems

A walk-in closet may be incredible because it gives you so much square footage for storage. But you may run into some issues when it is a blank slate with no built-in organizing system. The best closets are ones that have built-in systems to provide the user with all sorts of chances for optimized storage. For instance, it should provide a balance of options with small drawers, larger drawers, and a large vertical space for hanging. You can even focus on homes with systems that better align with your closet storage needs.

When you take the time to focus on storage-related features for buying a home, you should have no problem ending up in a small home that does not feel limiting in any way when it comes to storage.
